Reabilitarea orală cu implanturi

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Services Pricelist.doc

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Services Pricelist.ppt

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Services Pricelist.pdf

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528 tenth Avenue Boston,
BT 58966

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0800 123 45 678

[trx_slider cat=”17″ count=”5″ controls=”yes” crop=”yes” autoheight=”yes” height=”580″ top=”7em”][/trx_slider][trx_title type=”5″ top=”1.5em” bottom=”0.2em”]Our Philosophy[/trx_title]

At our Clinic we provide personalized service, using the latest tecniques and equipment. Our doctors are first-class dentists and the best medical/dentistry school graduates whose goal is to make you helthier and happier. With great care and devotion we aim to give you beautiful smiles!

[trx_accordion style=”1″ initial=”1″ icon_closed=”none” icon_opened=”none” top=”3em” animation=”fadeInUp”][trx_accordion_item title=”Orthodontics” icon_closed=”icon-plus” icon_opened=”icon-minus”]

In diagnosis and treatment planning, the orthodontist must (1) recognize the various characteristics of a malocclusion or dentofacial deformity; (2) define the nature of the problem, including the etiology if possible; (3) design a treatment strategy based on the specific needs and desires of the individual; and (4) present the treatment strategy to the patient.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”Periodontics” icon_closed=”icon-plus” icon_opened=”icon-minus”]

The American Dental Association (ADA) accredited programs are a minimum of three years in length. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, U.S.-trained periodontists are specialists in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases and oral inflammation, and in the placement and maintenance of dental implants.

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An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is a regional specialist surgeon treating the entire craniomaxillofacial complex: anatomical area of the mouth, jaws, face, skull, as well as associated structures. Maxillofacial surgeons may require training in dentistry, surgery, and general medicine.


Specialists in these fields are designated “registrable” (in the United States, “board eligible”) and warrant exclusive titles such as orthodontist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, endodontist, pediatric dentist, periodontist, or prosthodontist upon satisfying certain local accreditation requirements (U.S., “Board Certified”).